Thursday, March 30, 2017

Art show 25th March 2017, throw back..

With my dear friend Prena, who's been an amazing support. Thank you my dear!

Before the show at Ben Hicks Yoga Center, Lake Havasu City AZ, Saturday March 25th 2017.

What a great show! Thank you Ben for making this event possible, for all your help, support, critics, encouragement!
Thank you so much to all people and friends who came and supported this show!
A big thank you to my husband as well for all his effort, love and support. Thank you for helping realize my dreams!

Incredible feeling to finally be able to show and share my work. I am deeply grateful, happy and in awe.
 A dream came true, I just had to listen and follow my inner voice. Then everything fell into place.

Thank you!

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Sunday, March 19, 2017

New paintings available for sale!

New paintings from 2017 by Trish Taylor are now in the shop available!

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Saturday, March 11, 2017

getting ready!

Tired but happy! Preparing and hanging art work for the first show on the 18th of March, it will be a private opening. A big thank you for owners Erin and her partner for hosting my artworks!

Public opening will be on the 1st of April 2017 afternoon at Gray Matter Escape Room, 387 Lake Havasu Ave, Lake Havasu City.
Come by and say hello!

Desert blooming

Wednesday, March 8, 2017


Acrylic on canvas board by Trish Taylor, 2017.

keep the flow

Acrylic on photo paper by Trish Taylor, 2017.


Original artworks by Trish Taylor. Acrylic on canvas. These works will be at the art show in Havasu on March 25th 2017, Ben Hicks Yoga Center, 2000 McCulloch Blvd, Lake Havasu City AZ.

Come by and say hello! Enjoy a relaxed atmosphere and original artworks!