Wednesday, May 31, 2017

heat flow

Acrylic on photo paper by Trish Taylor

The heat is back in the desert. Around 40 Celsius during the day and above 20 Celsius at night... Some days there is a wind too that is hot and feels like you just opened the oven door. As much as I love the desert, getting used to the heat and dry weather is a challenge! I am thankful to have at least the Colorado river nearby to cool down.

cooling down

Acrylic on photo paper by Trish Taylor.

I love the smooth texture of photo paper to use my flow in layers. The deep blue is one of my favorite colors at the moment and it's Prussian blue. Working on this medium size format gives me a lot of inspiration for new works on bigger canvases.
When I paint I am in the moment. It's pure joy and a kind of meditation too.


My studio.


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

morning heat

10am and already 35 degrees Celsius...
Untitled work, acrylic on canvas, 24"x 36" by Trish Taylor.

new artwork for sale

These beauties made weeks ago are for sale now in my etsy shop!
Acrylic on canvas
by Trish Taylor

See more details here:

floating beach

Favorite spot on the Colorado river for reading, meditating, swimming. The good life middle in the desert!

Monday, May 15, 2017


It's on my travel list: Marrakesh.
Even better would be at the El Fenn Hotel. Beautiful residence with colorful rooms, very tasteful. A delight for the eyes, art in every corner to me.

oldies and palm trees

Last week in Lake Havasu City AZ. Yes, I love the palm trees and old fifties cars.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Berlin calling

Berlin, 2013.
I lived a few years in Berlin as a ballet student in the mid 90ies. East Berlin wasn't great, everyone wanted to be in the West. I returned in 2000 and then in 2013 and it has changed tremendously, in a positive way. The East became a fancy part to live in, renovated buildings, fancy cafés, bars, restaurants, galleries...
I love Berlin and its vibrant unpredictable energy.

paddle, paddle

My dad on his SUP.

A few years ago my dad taught me paddle boarding on the lake of Neuchatel in Switzerland. A great workout and peaceful time to quiet the mind too, floating smoothly on the water


Photograph by Sebastiao Salgado
It is one of my favorite photographer. I have seen his great exhibition called "Genesis", I have his book with all those fantastic pictures and to see them live was exhilarating. I couldn't take the book with me, it weights many pounds and there was not an inch space left in my 3 overloaded suitcases when I came to Arizona last year.

See more of his work here:

Sunday, May 7, 2017

love storm

Work in progress, acrylic on canvas, 3 ft x 4ft,
by Trish Taylor.

Lately I have been working on bigger canvases. I like the size but I will go bigger. Working big is really fun and have all this space to express yourself. The beginning of paintings like that are very raw, physical and unpredictable . I usually use a wide flat brush called "freestyle" from Liquitex which is awesome. I work on the first layers with it, just let it flow using colors intuitively. That is my favorite part of the process.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

let's drive

Arizona drivers license is mine!

Passed test yesterday and it was easy. My only worry was the 3 point turn, to make this big truck fit into a small designated spot without any corrections and without touching cones or lines. It took a bit of practice because that seemed at first not possible to me. Truck too long, spot too small.
I failed last week at that because I didn't practice, never heard of a 3 point turn, and had to pass test again, maybe with a smaller car. I was told that most people take normal sized cars for the road test because it's much easier. So this week I practiced  and with the great help of my dear husband, I made that truck fit without any corrections into the spot.
Out of the frustration of failing came out great lessons. One of them is that with practice and patience, something seemingly impossible can be possible. We don't learn anything from success. Our greatest lessons come out of failing or doing mistakes, these are simply experiences to help us learn.
I am thankful for that experience and the help of my husband James, who is a great teacher.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017