Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Off to their new home

These beauties are now in their new home in La Quinta CA! The big piece was a commission for my wonderful client Judy that had to harmonize with the smaller one. The smaller piece was made first and inspired by her great energy and the love for turquoise colors. It was tailored for her, as unique as she is.
I am very grateful and lucky to have clients that appreciate my work, that is the most rewarding in this process. To be able to share my passion, enthusiasm and love for art with the world is just awesome.
These won't be in my October show but I have other artwork waiting to be shared!

rock the river

Rock band at Sundance last Saturday, Parker Strip AZ.

Yes, another one!

Wednesday, September 20, 2017


A mantra for compassion.

When we feel overwhelmed by the negative news of every day, catastrophes, wars, political situation, discrimination and so on, we feel disempowered and shut down.

Mantras are very powerful and filled with divine positive vibrations. By repeating them out loud or in silence, they can help us in difficult times by calming our agitated minds and raising our vibration.

Cosmic dancer flow

Still working on this beauty, layer by layer. The creative process takes time, sometimes it's impulsive and strong, sometimes subtle and slow.
Painting taught me to take my time and be patient. As an impatient being, it took me a while. I consider my impatience my biggest motivator in achieving goals. The dark side of it, we all know it. Burning stages, damaging body (in yoga for example) and more. I also see more and more the importance of accepting our dark side to find balance in ourselves. By neglecting it, it will scream louder to get your attention. Through acceptance we can relax and consider there is nothing to change. It's just a part of ourselves and often by doing so, the dark side softens and lightens form alone.

Teaching yoga

Since last Sunday I am a 200 YTT yoga alliance certified teacher in traditional yoga! YEY!

As a teacher I yet remain a lifelong student. Yoga is so vast and deep and this yoga teacher training experience humbled me because the more I know, the more I see that I know nothing. There is so much more to it. Yoga isn't just a philosophy, it's a lifestyle that you commit to.
Teaching my second official yoga class this Thursday at Ben Hicks Yoga in Lake Havasu, 8am. It will be a Sivananda yoga class, one of my favorite traditional yoga style. Come by and enjoy the fullness of yoga!

Thursday, September 14, 2017

love is on the way

Day trip celebration on Route 66 to Seligman AZ with my husband. Thankful for those unique precious moments.
We even had rain and temperatures around 60 degrees. Living in the desert with daily temperatures above 100 degrees for half a year, rain, green and cooler temperatures are a real treat.

color inspiration

Love on Route 66

Route 66, Seligmann, AZ.

3 years ago I met my husband while I was traveling solo on Route 66 and he was on the bike with his crew.

Magic encounter that lasted only a few minutes on September 13th but this is how it all began and the reason I am now in the US. Lucky me to have found such a unique and wonderful human being on this mythic route and this person is now my husband. Sounds a bit like Hollywood but things like that happen.

"Those who don't believe in magic will never see it." Roald Dahl.

Art and Reiki

Come by and enjoy original abstract art from Arizona!

Trish Taylor Art Show
Bill Spresser Gallery at the Visitors Center in the English Village, Lake Havasu City AZ.
October 3 - 31, daily 9 am - 5 pm.

I am an intuitive artist but my work was completely transformed by Reiki (universal energy) since the beginning of the year since my training as a practitioner. Each work is guided by Reiki and infused with this healing energy.
I work daily with it and I am so thankful for this deep transformative gift I received in my training.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

New art show in October 2017 in Lake Havasu City AZ

Preparing for my 4th show this year! Exciting news!

More informations soon but my art work will be exposed for the whole month of October in the Bill Spresser gallery in Lake Havasu City AZ. Bigger pieces of 3ft x 4ft will be shown and some of them available for purchase.

Stay tuned for more details coming soon!

Picture by James L.Taylor.

the flow

Thank you Timothy for this quote I can definitely relate to.
In the past years and months lessons kept coming back to be integrated and one of them is go with the flow. Don't resist, let go, surrender. Be as fluid as the water in the river. Be compassionate with whatever arises around you, in you.
If you oppose resistance to it, like a branch stuck in the river, you will lose a tremendous amount of energy and even break one day.
Being soft, fluid, even vulnerable is not a weakness. It appears to me as a strength because there is no resistance, nothing to break. Can you break the water punching it with your fist or a hammer?
It is one of the most difficult lessons I am learning and not good at it, keep falling back into old patterns.
It is a process and it takes time to trust the master plan of the Universe, to let go and surrender.

(! Surrender doesn't mean let everything go over you. If you're in danger or in abusive relationships of any kind, put yourself in safety first !)


storm in the desert

Highway 95, Lake Havasu City AZ yesterday.

The storm was short, maybe 15 minutes of heavy rain, filling the streets with water. Thankful for my big truck allowing me to pass flooded streets without problems. The night before I had a wonderful lightening show on my way back home. Humbled by the force of Nature and my thoughts and prayers are with those in areas that a ravaged by storms and flooding. 

Wednesday, September 6, 2017


"Alive", The Temper Trap.

new artwork for the October show!

Untitled, acrylics on canvas by Trish Taylor.

Working on new artwork to present at the Bill Spresser gallery in Havasu AZ in October 2017, it's at the visitors center next to London Bridge. For a whole month my work will be displayed and I can hardly wait. What an exciting year, this will be my 4th show.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

abstract thoughts

Untitled, 2017. Acrylics and oil pastels on paper by Trish Taylor.



Monday, September 4, 2017

water lilies and others

Untitled, acrylics on canvas by Trish Taylor.
Working on a commission, exciting project for my Palm Springs customers.  Really nice, fun and interesting people that I met through my husband at one of my art shows this year.

weird stuff


Miedzyzdroje, Poland, 2012.