Wabi-Sabi is in Japan as much as an ideal of beauty as in the West but in an opposite way. I wish our western culture would honor more the beauty within than trying to stay forever young and run after perfectionism. Wabi-Sabi appeals to me even if I don't know much about it because it feels natural and strikes a cord deep down in my soul. Perfection is totally boring. And I was a perfectionist for most of my life, especially during my ballet career years. I think as we grow and age, we change our perception of things because we notice the aging process in ourselves and around us, in Nature for example. We become more and more aware about the impermanence of our lives. Finding acceptance in the natural process of life frees us from the fear of it. It can be a lifetime process, it might not happen in one day. But we loose less energy by going with the flow than trying to fight against it. |